Fresh yoghurt


Yoghurt MU 100% Italian – Sugar free

whole milk, specific live lactic ferments: Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus


Granarolo Natural White Yoghurt is dedicated to those who love the yoghurt taste without added sugar, to be enjoyed as it is or mixed with delicious Mu fresh fruit or muesli.  It’s made with good, fresh High Qualità Granarolo milk.


It is a perfect example of an extremely complex food, whose health effects, rather than being attributed to a single element, must be considered on the result of the matrix itself, a mixture of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins which, together with the bacteria present, is able to intervene and influence a large number of physiological processes.
The acidity of yoghurt encourages the development of intestinal bacterial flora that can fight Escherichia coli and Salmonella, putrefactive phenomena in the intestine, the most common of which is diarrhea, and neutralise the action of certain substances that can cause cancer. This action is due to the proportion of two fermenting micro-organisms, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and the starting quality of the milk.


Yoghurt ferments transform milk into an easily digestible food not having the enzyme in adequate quantities necessary for the digestion of casein, the milk protein. They transform casein into a soft clot, which is much easier to assimilate. Furthermore, the ferments transform lactose into simple sugars that can be assimilated directly by the body, enriching it with valuable substances; they contribute to the formation of B group vitamins, which are necessary for the balancing of the nervous system, and favour the turnover of bile and balance cholesterol. Vitamins facilitate the formation of vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts, in particular calcium in the form of lactate, which is easily assimilated by the body and is particularly suitable for adolescents, for proper nutrition during pregnancy, for the development of the foetus because it increases folic acid levels and for the elderly.
Regular consumption of yoghurt stimulates the production of interferon, a particular protein that increases the body’s defences against viruses.


It boasts several noteworthy nutritional properties:

  • Moderate calorie intake:   Provided firstly by the protein content, secondly by the sugar content (lactose or glucose + lactose) and finally by the lipid content.
  • Yoghurt proteins are of high biological value:   They are rich in essential amino acids in the right amounts.
  • Saturated fatty acids:   Yoghurt lipids are in such small quantities that they have no particular negative impact on cholesterol levels.
  • Good presence of B vitamins:   In particular B2, a very important co-enzyme factor for the body.
  • Good presence of vitamin A:   A beneficial antioxidant for eyesight.
  • Calcium and phosphorus:   Two minerals essential for bone health.
  • Doesn’t contain fibers.

Elisa Sossai

Sede legale

Via Montello, 15 – Sernaglia della Battaglia (TV), Italia

Sede operativa

Viale Venezia, 75 – Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), Italia

C.C.I.A.A di Treviso







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