To recharge and regenerate the body – fruit, fruit and more fruit!
Quenches thirst, refreshes and regenerates the body as well as stimulating the mind and senses with captivating colors and scents.
Throughout the day it is advisable to eat 5 different colors of fruit (yellow/orange, red, blue/purple, white and green) to assimilate the full range of precious substances contained in them.
Go ahead with Mu fruit – fresh in season and only of excellent choice.
Raspberries give us vitamins, minerals and protect us from diseases:
Friends of women and pregnancy:
It’s been believed that since ancient times raspberries avoid the risk of abortion, in fact they tone the muscles of the uterus and improve contractions. An excellent draining fruit that accelerates weight loss. The high fiber content is an aid for a lazy intestine and has a satiating effect.
They are widely used in herbal medicine. They help regulate the menstrual cycle and resolve menopausal disorders. Indicated in premenstrual syndrome associated with breast tension, anxiety, nervousness, water retention, acne. The antispasmodic and decongestant properties find excellent use in the case of painful menstruation.
It is also indicated in the absence of menstruation and menstrual cycle. irregularities, in the treatment of ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary, and fibroids. Finally, it is recommended for all disorders that accompany the period of menopause such as cycle irregularities, hot flashes, mood swings and depression.
Raspberries contain good amounts of Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B9, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc and finally rich in fiber, especially pectins. They are diuretic, refreshing and purifying fruits. Being low in sugar and calories, they’re suitable for those who have blood sugar problems or follow low-calorie diets. I Raspberries contain ellagic acid, therefore they are antioxidant fruits.
Why are they good for us:
Raspberries are anti-inflammatory, thirst-quenching, vitaminizing and tonic for our body, they promote digestion and facilitate the reduction of body weight. Because of their high fiber content they are indicated in case of constipation, and facilitate intestinal transit. They are excellent anti-inflammatories for the entire oral cavity, protect and strengthen the gums. They are real blood purifiers capable of lowering the levels of LDL cholesterol present in the blood, carrying out a protective action on the heart muscle.
For a smooth and bright skin:
Raspberries stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, the two most important skin proteins. This substance regenerates skin cells, making the skin elastic and radiant, preventing the formation of wrinkles and couperose.
Elisa Sossai
Sede legale
Via Montello, 15 – Sernaglia della Battaglia (TV), ItaliaSede operativa
Viale Venezia, 75 – Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), ItaliaC.C.I.A.A di Treviso